Poetry with Gommie

In a switch-up from drawing live music, I had the total pleasure of live-drawing a poetry performance by the uber-talented poet-artist, Gommie. It was at one of my favourite venues, The Old Fire Station in Oxford, surrounded by Gommie’s verse-infused paintings on the wall (check out his work here).

There is so much theatricality to Gommie’s performance, the tempo and tone flows like music and gave me plenty to work with. And the poems were beautiful: perceptive observations of people and place, a heartfelt ode to love, a quick-fire series of witty ditties. The lines of the poems created a meadering web on the page, tracking the pace and intensity of the poems. I took a back-seat and allowed the graphite and pen to just follow Gommie’s lead.




On stage with HUX